Friday, August 15, 2014

Tooth replacement with dental implants

Dear Readers
My first article received excellent viewership today I will be providing details of dental implants 
Basically Dental implants  boost confidence and self - esteem slow or stops bone loss And improve your overll health.

Implant supported teeth gives you normal bite force and maintain normal digestion .It also maintain essential nutrients. 

Types of Dental Implants

There are three types of implants, and they can be described according to their shape and how they are attached to the jaw.


These implants  are screw , Blade shaped or cylinder shaped made of metal, metal covered ceramic or ceramic material. they are placed within the jaw bone.

SUBPERIOSTEAL -“on top of the bone”
These implants consist of a metal framework that attaches on top of the jawbone but underneath the gum tissue.

TRANSOSTEAL “through the bone”
These implants are either a metal pin or a U-shaped frame that passes through the jawbone and the gum tissue, into the mouth.
      Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple missing teeth or to replace teeth in cases with complete tooth loss. Therefore almost any situation can potentially be treated with this modality. However, various factors need to be taken into consideration such as a bone volume and quality, tooth and jaw relationships, oral habits and general medical health. Your dental surgeon will assess your suitability for treatment with these implants. 
 please let me know your views so that i can provide useful information  regarding dental implants

Dr. Ritesh Raj

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Enjoy the confidence of beautiful teeth

Dear Readers,

This is an initiative from City Dental Center to help you to keep your dental problems at bay. I, Dr. Ritesh Raj, am committed to welfare of you and this is a humble attempt to do that. I am always available for your service.

Read on for tips from a doctor.......

You can improve your quality of life by having good teeth

• Improve your appearance…
We can offer you the smile you have lost, or the smile you have
always wanted. You will no longer be embarrassed in conversation or
while smiling and laughing.

• Eat the foods you enjoy…
You will eat lettuce, apples, steak, and even corn on the cob
with confidence.

• Invest in a permanent solution for tooth loss
Only a dental implant can replace the root of a missing tooth. If a
root is not replaced, bone loss will occur resulting in undesirable
consequences such as the inability to place implants without bone
grafting procedures. Our implants can eliminate the need for
sticky denture adhesives, and even for dentures themselves.

• Avoid compromising your healthy teeth
Unlike traditional bridge restoration techniques,  implants
eliminate the need for cutting down two healthy natural teeth to
replace one missing tooth.

• Alternatives will fail in comparison
Traditional crowns, bridges, and root canals often fail —
necessitating additional dental care. Dental implants offer a

permanent solution, that cannot decay

Next tips will be available on 15th Aug, 2014.

Dr. Ritesh Raj